+32 (0)2 411 23 01 Rue Reimond Stijns 99, 1080 Bruxelles, Belgique Lun - Sam 10.00 - 22.00, Dimanche Fermé
cours de Cross training · Muaythaï · Jiu Jitsu · Salle de Boxe · Judo · Zumba · Fitness · Capoeira · arts martiaux pour enfants à Bruxelles


cours de Cross training · Muaythaï · Jiu Jitsu · Salle de Boxe · Judo · Zumba · Fitness · Capoeira · arts martiaux pour enfants à Bruxelles


There are many types of wrestling, but the core principle remains the same: to bring your adversary to the ground using technical and tactical techniques. The fighter that can bring their opponent down with both shoulders to the ground, wins the fight. It’s strictly forbidden to hurt your opponent. Any physically harmful attack will immediately be penalized.